The parasites in the human body, symptoms, and treatment

Worms is flawed the worms which live at the expense of human beings, animals and plants. In the uk, there are around 70 species of the parasite that may also be infected with various forms of direct contact, through water and in the soil, or through the consumption of products infected). However, if you lead a healthy life, in order to observe personal hygiene, take their medications, so we can get rid of them.

The types of parasites

The types of parasites

The human body can survive on different types of worms. To get rid of them, you need to know what kind of a fight:

  • The guinea-worm;
  • Pinworms;
  • Giardia;
  • The swine flu, and bovine apni;
  • Toxocara;
  • The tapeworm of the width;
  • Echinococcus.

The guinea-worm – a common parasite in the human body. The length of the adult worm reaches up to 40 cm in height. It goes to the small intestine for the body in both children and adults. The infection with this parasite causes the disease, ascariasis.

Pinworms – a type of round worms, which are more common in young children due to the disregard of the rules of personal hygiene. Pinworms that cause the disease enterobiasis.

Giardia – parasite, which occurs in 20% of children around the world, and it is less common in adults. In the area of the injury, it is the event of the intestines, less of the urinary bladder, the liver and the bile ducts. Worms that cause the disease giardiasis.

The swine flu, and the beef-apni – two-types-of-worms, that are similar to each other. They stand for flat-worms, which enter the body of a person in the use of the meat of an infected animal. The length of the pork tapeworm can reach up to 3 meters, and the bull's – up to 10 meters. In the period of ripening of the eggs of the helminths to go out along with your stool.

Toxocara is a round-the unwanted, a work that refers to the group of Ascaris. It is spread through eggs that are in the stool (feces) of animals and is able to continue its development in a humid environment. The length of the adult worm reaches 30 cm in height. Helminths that cause the disease toxocariasis.

Tapeworm broad – it is a parasite that lives in the body of a person for the first time. The duration of the life of the parasite is up to 25 years, with a maximum length of 10 metres. The eggs and the larvae enter into the body of a person when used in poorly heat-treated fish, lobster, and caviar.

Echinococcus is a parasite of the continuous form. It attacks the internal organs, the liver and the lungs, less of the eyes, the brain and the heart. The length is short – just 8 mm at the maximum. In the early stages of the disease, which develops almost asymptomatic.

Routes of infection

Routes of infection

To protect themselves from pests, you need to know about four of the most common is the infection of the eggs of the worms are:

  • Of the water and the soil;
  • Through direct contact;
  • Through the use of infected food products of animal origin;
  • When the insect bites.

Geohelminths (roundworm, Toxocara) are transmitted through the water and the soil that contains the eggs. They go into the small intestine when they are used daily in the products or the low quality of the water. The inside of the body, it evolves and lays eggs that are new, along with the feces fall into the external environment to infect another person. Feature geohelminthoses is that they can infect humans by penetrating the eggs through the skin of the foot particularly dry and dry skin).

This is a very common form of infection such as direct contact with. Contract may be allowed, on the organisms that already live worms. When a game is an activity that is common to the contact of the hands with a dog or a cat, the eggs of the worms are on the surface of the skin, they penetrate through the skin of a person, which has caused the infection in the body.

The consumption of raw or poorly processed meat, can cause the charges to bioeliminable (with the participation of the belgium-master). In addition to the high risk of being infected with the parasites, there is a likelihood of entry into the human body, an infection of the bowel, with which it has to contend with.

The infection by biting insects is a rare occurrence. On the other hand, can pass on to others the following types of diseases: kantarias, from the myiasis, scoleciasis.

The children are exposed to worm infestations, more than one adult. This accounts for the fact that they are actively in contact with the external environment, and it is still very low, it may increase immunity. Therefore, the child is under 6 years of age are at high risk of hiv infection. Up until about 4-5 years ago, almost all children are infected with worms.

The symptoms of

The symptoms of helminthiasis

Parasites come in many different sizes, from microscopic to many meters in length. It's different, and it is the place of his dwelling in the human body: the liver, intestine, muscle, and t. d. in Spite of being so explicit, to the contrary, in the event of contamination of the organism and manifesting the most common symptoms of a parasitic infestation, such as:

  • The poisoning of the body.
  • Allergy;
  • The reduction of body weight;
  • With the increase of temperature.
  • Anemia;
  • Bowel
  • Changes in food preferences;
  • Itchiness around the anal opening.

Parasites, during their lives, they can release toxins that poison the human body. The signs of poisoning are: headache, nausea, changes in appetite, weakness, and irritability.

The health of the skin may indicate the presence of parasites. When the parasitic infestation of the following symptoms may occur: skin rash, acne, rosacea, skin rashes. If it is a reaction to an allergy that was diagnosed at the time of the emergence of parasites, and there may be a further deterioration in the context of the infection: nottCE the mucous membranes of the bronchial spasm, and others.

The reduction of the mass of the body, especially clearly manifested in young children. If you have a good appetite, the child may lose a bit of weight. The characteristic symptom of this when you have the body helmintnoznono. The temperature of the body, in this case, does not exceed 37.5 degrees Celsius.

The symptoms of anaemia: pallor of skin, weakness, and shortness of breath. This is one of the first signs of a worm infestation. The parasites feeding on vitamins, micro-nutrients, which are in the human body, along with the food. They will destroy the red blood cells in the body and can cause anemia.

The parasites have a negative impact on the digestive function, resulting in the observed disturbances in the intestines. Frequent, stools, constipation, pain in the region of the stomach, flatulence the main symptoms of a parasitic infestation.

Some of the types of pests (for example, Echinococcus) causing the desire is acute, salty, and smoked foods.

More of a common symptom of a not-for – itching around the anal opening. With a slight suspicion of the presence of a parasitic infestation, you should contact your doctor for a full examination.

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The diagnosis

If a person is suspected of, that on your body, checked for worms, and that he should look for Parisitnolnogtem-informaçõesCEqinoNISttem. In the health clinics and the public in general, that the doctor does not. In the absence of this, you should contact your gastroenterologist.

To diagnose the parasites, you will need to pass the test:

  • In the blood;
  • Cala;
  • In searching for it.

The presence of intestinal worms, affects the structure of the blood. When a lab study can also be found on eosinophils, the cells that are part of a group of white blood cells. They also help the doctors to identify these diseases, such as infections and infestations parasitic diseases. But before you put the final diagnosis, it should be understood that these stacks are to be produced, and, in the case of an allergic reaction. In order to determine if it really is in the human body, there are parasites, you have to pass other tests.

Cal will show you the contents of the eggs of intestinal worms. The examination will be given to all potential patients, without exception, and if there is any suspicion of the presence of worms in the body.

Some of the types of parasites (such as Echinococcus) the split is only from the human body parts. In order to diagnose its presence, it will be necessary to perform a search: an x-ray of the lungs, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, ultrasound of the organs in the abdominal area. When, as a result of the need for immediate treatment.

For the treatment of parasites

The disease is treated, vermifuge drugs, depending on the individual patient and to the type of worms in the body. However, a lot of them have contra-indications and side-effects. Thus, depending on the body of the patient, the treatment plan is given to us individually.

For a speedy recovery, prescribe the following treatment methods:

  • Drug;
  • Name;
  • With the proper diet.

These methods can be applied to this case, in order to avoid and set up with the aim of maximising the effect of that treatment).


Popular remedies for worms that are manufactured in the form of a tablet. But there's also the suspension, and suppositories rectal. Suspension is more designed for children who are not able to chew or swallow the tablet whole. Suppositories and have minimal side effects; however, their effectiveness is not at all the case. If you do worms live outside of the bowel, rectal suppositories do not work.

The berries of the strawberry

The rules of the offer

If you get rid of the parasitic infestation as quickly as possible, along with the procurement of medicines for you to eat. Some of the food that creates the conditions for non-commercial environment, in the sense that they tend to leave the body.

The list of products on the basis of the plants from the worms:

  • Garlic;
  • The cherries and strawberries;
  • The apricot of the bone;
  • The juice of a ripe melon (s);
  • For the carrot, and seeds;
  • The dried lime from the bone;
  • The seeds of the pumpkin, and watermelon.

During the treatment, with the use of the drug, it is important to follow a properly in the diet. In the diet should contain a lot of protein.

You should include in your diet products, milk – ryazhenka, whey and kefir. They do contain a protein which facilitates the work of the liver, and it displays it in the fat cells. Don't forget your fiber consumption. It would have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal system. Found in fruits, vegetables, whole-grain bread.

Products that would be harmful in the presence of a man-without-a-products.

  • Sweet;
  • Grain
  • Potatoes;
  • The meal:
  • Mass.

In the treatment of a parasitic infestation, you must remove the bad habits: alcohol and cigarettes. They contain a substance that can destroy a group of amino acids and vitamins.

Folk remedies

In folk medicine, there is a lot of vegetables (garlic, onion, red pepper, pumpkin seeds), which are effectively dealing with the worms. Pros the people, the recipes, the lack of side effects, are Allergic, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification, transport, and other properties.

Here are some of the recipes of folk medicine.

Well-known vermifuge, the plant is tansy, common. It is made up of the essential oil of tansy, and the component thujone, which has a paralytic effect on parasite invasion. The plant has a destructive affect Ascaris and the flukes. Method of preparation: add one cup of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of the plant tansy, and then filtered. Method of application: take the tincture you need, 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon in teaspoon 30 minutes before eating.

The bitter gall, since the most ancient times to be used against intestinal worms. The plan is being applied against Giardia, Ascaris, and tape worms. The grass serves alcohol in the tincture. Method of application: apply 20 drops of the tincture, to alcohol, to 3 times a day, 30 minutes before a meal.


Pomegranate as well have been fighting with for a game. In its composition are to be found in the components, that is, to rid the patient of the tape, and roundworms. Method of preparation: finely chop the peel of pomegranate and boil it in 750 ml. of water. How to use: take a drink in the on-periods of 90 minutes, in three steps of 250 ml. during this time, that is-that is, it is not permitted. After that, 4 hours after the last ingestion of the drink and pill-a laxative.

The garlic has volatile oils. They have a very good vermifuge effect. A plant that is well grappling with the worms that are round. Method of application: eating a clove of garlic in the morning, at lunch and at dinner.

The other effective means, of the liquor of the nuts. The fruit contains active substances, which normalize the body's metabolism. The dye restores the working from the gastrointestinal tract and has a positive effect on the thyroid gland. Method of preparation: made in a premium vodka at a ratio of 5 is fine with a piece of chopped nuts 200 grams of vodka. Let it sit for a day. Method of application: one teaspoon of tea in the mornings prior to breakfast in the morning.

As against the parasitic infestation, in great backgrounds are also in the onion, nettle, clove, burdock, dandelion , and other plants. Active, practiced enemas (such as the internet. It should be noted that in the traditional folk methods of treatment are a more pre-emptive than that of the core.

Prior to the start of the treatment, popular methods to consult with your doctor.


Prevention of worms in the performance of personal hygiene, thorough washing of fruits and vegetables. Before you eat a meal of meat, we must make sure that it has passed the heat treatment.

For the lovers of salt water and dried fish are required to review your preferences. Such goods are divided, only the worms that are dangerous to health and life of the people. If you have a pet, and frequent contact with them about once a year, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of helminthiasis, the infection time to heal.